ElektroMotif: Poetry, Music, Performance, Visual Arts--Improvisation Fusion

What We Do

We practice ImprovFusion: the blending of different art disciplines around the core of an idea, leaving the details to intuition and collaboration. Our performances have a theme and a musical/poetic structure over which improvisation takes place. Usually, the audience either participates or adds improvisational elements to the theme. The results are cogent,  creative and exciting performances.

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Poetry is mostly improvised at the performance. So things change a lot from one performance to the next...

Modern Dance. Pieces are not worked out in advance, except for rough sketches that depend on the sequences before and after the dance. The actual performance therefore, is always unique even though it maintains the idea behind.

Audience Input and Participation
In general, there is always some audience input oftentimes to enhance the spoken word aspects of performance. At tother times, the audience may participate by painting or joining us in sections of the performances. They may choose to paint, or form a chorus for a dialogue with the performers. The sky is the limit!


The band agrees on broad guidelines for the performance and there may be a sequence of songs or musical pieces that form the backbone. There is always an element of improvisation and conversation with the poets, dancer, painte or video. Each performance is original.

During some performances, part of the goal is to end with a finished painting representative of how people respond to the themes. At other times, Sergio may choose to perform a "painting" by dynamically creating a painting as a contrapuntal item to the performers.

An integral part of the performances may be a sequence of photographs displayed on a monitor to enhance or comment on the theme.

Video images may be displayed as a mood or ambient commentary to the theme at hand.