Recent Events
January 26, 2008 Buddha, Baseball and Bok Choy
April 16, 2007 Best of the Boroughs, PS 122, NYC
June 11, 2005 DaydeDADA
August 12, 2005 Festival of Freedom and Juatice
July 16 , 2004
Fallujah Redux at the Institute of Arts and Sciences
May 18 2004 Meet
Me in Fallujah
April 18 2004: Spring Flurries: An Opening for Andre Martinez
Exhibition of Paintings.
December 2003: Year End Party
October 2003: Fun with Fear at the Muddy Cup Cafe
September 2003: 9/11 Tribute
August 2003: Goodbye to Summer and Celia Cruz
August 2003 Blackout: The Darkness
July 2003- ElektroMotiF at the St. George Theater
June 2003- Form and Emptiness